Sunday, March 20, 2011

Reality is sinking in

Today Leila showed signs of understanding reality versus imaginary play. I use to pinch her nose and say "I got you nose. Im going to put in my pocket." She would used to get a kick out of if, giggle, and check my pockets for her nose.

But when I tried the same today, she looked at me and said "Thats not real daddy." :-/

Sunday, March 13, 2011

authentication page done

But I need to go back to figure out how models and controllers are structured. A few things are not making sense to me. I've also been getting these annoying headaches. Its like someone would poke an ice pick on the left back side of my head. My left ear is constantly popping too. Related? hmmm

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Finished building the first two RAILS controllers

But I spent so much time coding on the macpro, the MBA got out of date. It doesn't even have the test tools and latest xcode installed. I'll probably have to spend the next hour getting the config updated. There has got to be a faster way... Oh well, I'll be a pro at setting up OSX dev environments after this...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dev server 2 install complete

Lets see if the test app would build...

Setting up dev server #2 (turing) at 12:50pm

Ack! need xcode 3.2.5 which is 3.52 GB. I guess this download will take a while. Got RVM, git, netbeans, and ruby 1.8.7. I think I'll take a lunch break for now..