Monday, February 21, 2011

Damned IDEs

I don't know why it has to be this difficult... why wont they just package the IDEs with debuggers with all the required libraries and config files.. I know its cool and all to have to go through the routing but I dont have time to screw around with this shit... Dumped Eclipse because the zend debugger was acting up.. Now using netbeans

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Stupid PHP book

Good thing I borrowed it from the library. I spend half a day debugging errors in their examples. The Smarty install instructions were crap and the DOCUMENT_ROOT was not set properly... Thank god for google and the internet...

Leila is ahead of me

She is starting to read words like going, play, equals, and minus. We also did some simple additions. I don't remember reading and writing until maybe when I was 7.

Get stuck or move on...

I can't get this stupid sample code to work. Somehow the browser loses track of the script location. I'll spend another 30 minutes debugging this then move on... This annoy the crap out me. I don't like leaving unsolved problems...

You like to have your options

This morning you wanted to open up your jar of treats and I told to wait until after we eat breakfast. I gave you two options:

1. Put the jar on the table (where I can see it)


2. I take the jar away

Instead you wanted to put it in your "tangled" bag. So I met you halfway and asked you to put the bag near where I can see it. I could have insisted on having the jar on the table but could have resulted in a lose-lose situation. I don't get your cooperation and the jar is taken away.

Still coding....

I've been at this for two weeks now, and while it gets frustrating at times, I'm actually enjoying it. I haven't felt like this since college when I would stay up all night hacking in the computer labs. I remember Wesley had to peel me off the computers at the UW CCC. I need to learn more about this PHP debugger...

I love my Leila

You are about 4.5 yrs old now Leila and you have grown sooooo much. This morning we woke up early and mommy was still sleeping--she had been studying all night. You carried with you your pink teddy bear and a big stuffed doggie named scooper dog. You are so funny. You wanted to watch PBS kids so I took you upstairs where you watched Curious George. We don't have cable tv. We only watch free broadcast tv. Daddy is lame huh? :-)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

First bad tantrum

After ballet, we hung out at Barnes for a little while me and mommy finished our studying. The week prior, we promised to buy you a book if you finished your jobs at school and behaved like a good kid--and you did. So we told you to pick a book but you picked two instead. We told you to either pick one or you don't go home with a book at all. You decided to throw a tantrum instead :-/ It was a tantrum unlike anything I've seen before. Mommy got really upset. I was a little disappointed but I hope it taught an important lesson in delayed gratification.